Monday, July 6, 2009

Hilary Duff Is the Newest Gossip Girl

Hilary Duff Is the Newest Gossip Girl

It's only just July, but things are already heating up on the Gossip Girl set, as the show has just cast another new love interest for a major character. First came news of Joanna Garcia's guest role last week, and now it's Hilary Duff's turn.

Duff has been cast as Olivia Burke, a movie star who comes to NYU seeking a normal college experience and ends up as Vanessa's roommate. But that's not all: She also may start to date a certain main character. I won't spoil it here, but if you want to know who might be hooking up with Duff's Olivia come Fall, read more.Well, you might have already guessed given who else will be attending NYU: Olivia's a potential love interest for one Dan Humphrey. Apparently, Lonely Boy takes a shine to Duff's character, which fits into Olivia's "just a regular college girl" plans just fine.

But how serious will this relationship be? Duff has signed on for multiple episodes, starting with the one that airs Oct. 5, but there's no word on just how long she'll be in the picture. Does that mean she could be gossiping her way through NYC full-time? I guess we'll have to wait and see. Do you think Duff is a good fit for Gossip Girl?

In December, Duff confessed to being a fan of the show. No word yet on if the former Disney teen queen will interact with her favorite character, resident bad boy Chuck Bass.

The third season of Gossip Girl premieres September 14. Duff’s storyline begins in the fourth episode airing October 5.